Welcome to St. Peter's Catholic Primary School
Mission Statement: Christ is at the heart of our school community; through loving, living and learning together, we all grow as the person God calls us to be.
Welcome to St Peter’s Catholic Primary School, we hope you find our website clear, informative and easy to navigate. It is designed to give you a flavour of our school, its knowledge rich, enriched curriculum, the work and play of our pupils and the quality education we strive to deliver, based upon our strong Catholic ethos.
St Peter’s is a one-form entry primary school for pupils aged 4 to 11 years. It is a wonderful, faith filled community where, our children are supported and encouraged by a team of committed staff, governors and parents. Each child's talents are nurtured and developed throughout their years with us, enabling them to reach their full potential, not just academically but as independent and resilient learners aware and confident in their own truly unique qualities and skills.
Our high expectations and high standards are combined with a sense of creativity, excellence and enjoyment. Our vision is for all children to develop a real love of learning, thirst for knowledge and a care and concern for each other. We believe that when a child feels safe, loved and respected, they can achieve their very best. Our school motto “Jesus is at the heart of all that we do” is the driver at the centre of all we do, encouraging and guiding all aspects of school life.
I feel incredibly privileged to lead our happy school, to support our parish and wider community as part of a dedicated team where, home, school and parish work together to secure the best outcomes for all our children.
Everyday is Open Day at St Peter’s and we would love to show your around our school, introduce you to our children and staff and to our beautiful grounds.
Mrs C Gili-Ross (Headteacher)