Design and Technology



“Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Design is knowing which ones to keep.”
Scott Adams 


At St. Peter's, we nurture the spirit of innovation in every child, fostering a profound appreciation for the marvels of Design & Technology.

In our Design & Technology curriculum, children embark on an exhilarating journey of exploration and problem-solving, where they uncover the thrill of designing and creating. Through hands-on projects and stimulating challenges, they develop critical thinking skills and a rigorous understanding of technological concepts.

Children are encouraged to investigate, invent, and push the boundaries of their imagination. From crafting functional prototypes to constructing intricate models, they use all their senses to bring their ideas to life, forging a tangible connection with the real world.

As budding designers and technologists, children draw inspiration from the ingenuity of renowned inventors, engineers, and designers from various cultures and eras. By delving into the rich tapestry of technological advancements, they gain insight into how innovation shapes our world, contributing to the advancement of society and the enrichment of our lives.

At St. Peter's, we believe that every child is entitled to a Design & Technology curriculum that inspires and empowers them to become active problem-solvers. Our aims include nurturing children's creativity, honing their technical skills, fostering an appreciation for innovation, and instilling confidence in their ability to make thoughtful, practical decisions.


Our Curriculum


St. Peter's Primary School adopted the CUSP Design and Technology curriculum, commencing from Spring 2024.

The curriculum is thoughtfully structured into blocks, each dedicated to specific disciplines such as textiles, food and nutrition, mechanisms, structures and systems. Within these blocks, a vertical progression is intentionally integrated, allowing students to revisit and deepen their understanding of key disciplines as they progress through their primary education.

In addition to the core knowledge essential for success in each discipline, our curriculum highlights key developmental aspects in the 'Working as a Designer' section. Each module focuses on cultivating different facets of these competencies, aiding teachers in comprehensively understanding students' growth as designers and assessing how effectively they are acquiring the taught knowledge and skills.

Working As A Designer


Design Make Evaluate Apply
The art or process of deciding how something will look or work. Create something by combing materials or putting parts together. Form an opinion of the value or quality of something after careful thought.  Use something or make something work in a particular situation. 

Curriculum Overview

EYFS -Key Stage 1 Design and Technology

In Design and Technology, every student will engage in all lesson sequences, with special attention given to the critical core content for students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). Teachers will tailor activities and delivery methods during planning to ensure full participation and access to materials for students with SEND.

Students with language and communication difficulties, including those with ASD, may benefit from additional visual cues to aid comprehension. For example, individual task boards can be used to assist in breaking down activities into manageable steps for these students.

For students with sensory sensitivities, adjustments can be made to accommodate their needs. This may include providing  different materials. Students with significant motor skill difficulties may require aids e.g. a pencil grips or larger tools which ensures that each child is included. 

At St. Peter’s we believe that vocabulary and its understanding is an integral part of the children’s learning in design and technology. We aim to display in the classroom and as apart of the knowledge note inside of the child’s work book or class floor book.

We aim to provide a high challenge with low threat culture and put no ceiling on any child’s learning, instead providing the right scaffolding for each child for them to achieve.

The best form of assessment in design and technology is at the point of delivery, while pupils are working. This helps us to understand pupils' development as designers, rather than their ability to produce a prescribed end outcome. By encouraging pupils to articulate their thinking and reflections, we can understand which aspects of design and technology may require additional teaching and reshape teaching to support this.