Mrs Jose
Year 6 Class Page
Year 6 is the final part of a child’s primary school journey and at St Peter’s we make it our mission to ensure that our children have the best year possible! A year of growing, learning and making memories and friendships that the children will never forget. We begin our year with a reflective journey to Castlerigg Manor, which is a time to pray, play and work together, creating a bond as a class. The year ends with a residential to Winmarleigh which pushes all to try new things, develop these bonds and make memories which will last a lifetime.
In Year 6, we have full and rich curriculum which builds on the knowledge and learning from previous years, making connections and challenging each child to deepen their understanding. Throughout the year, children will be visiting new learning and going on different adventures through our areas of study. We work independently, in pairs and groups to talk about our learning and solve problems together. We encourage the children to celebrate mistakes and use these as a learning tool.
In Year 6 we will be preparing, not only for our End of Key Stage 2 Assessments, but for the transition to high school, all whilst developing a lifelong love of learning. The children will have lots of new responsibilities, central to these is their role as ‘Gardeners’ to our Reception ‘Seedlings’. Our younger child look up to our Year 6 children and consider them role models.
Our Year 6 Curriculum page provides an insight into areas of focus, our Class Blog on Seesaw provides parents with a window into our classroom and allows them to see the wonderful journey we are on.
Year 6 really is a very exciting time at primary school and our children have lots great activities and experiences to enhance the curriculum, develop confidence, resilience and nurture their talents and interests.
We are always here to help and support so please do not hesitate to contact us via our Seesaw App.
Autumn Term Year 6
Spring Term Year 6