Welcome to Year 3.



Year 3 marks the third part of a child’s primary school journey at St.Peter’s, arriving at Key Stage 2 and becoming a Junior!  In order to ease their way through the transition from KS1 to KS2, we practise all year becoming a Junior. We practise getting used to the environment of KS2, becoming even more independent, collaborating even more with our classmates and becoming more resilient in our learning. Throughout this time, the Year 3 team will be there to support, encourage and nurture each and every child.


In Year 3, our curriculum journey continues by building on the knowledge and learning gained whilst in KS1, extending, deepening and building on it it through a ,wealth of new and exciting learning experiences.


Our year begins with a weekly opportunity to visit The YMCA Swimming Pool in St. Annes. Here the children will learn, practise and develop their swimming stroke skills, as well as learning how to be safe in water. 

Reading continues to be taught through book talk and whole class guided reading sessions using a range of texts, often relating to class learning or subjects the children are interested in. Alongside this, we continue to foster a love of reading through the Accelerated Reader Programme which starts in Year 2. This programme encourages the children to choose from a variety of fiction or non fiction books within their reading range. With these books, the children are given the opportunity to practise their reading daily in class and at home. Once they have completed their book, they can take an online quiz which allows the children to apply the reading knowledge and skills they have learnt.


During Year 3, the children will be given opportunities to take on new responsibilities for example, being playground equipment helpers or choosing to take part in a wider range of after school activities like the Choir, becoming a Mini Vinnie or trying out different sporting activities like Tennis, Rounders or Cricket. 


Year 3 is the bridge that connects KS1 with KS2 and throughout this year, as each child makes their journey across and takes their final steps to becoming a Junior, beautiful things happen. Confidence grows, a respect for each other is nurtured, working as members of a team is developed and each child grows in maturity ready to confidently experience the wonders of Year 4.


Join us on our journey by exploring the Year 3 Curriculum page to find out what our learning focus is for each half term, and our online Seesaw Blog, which gives a snapshot of our learning in action.


We value the relationships we have with our parents and are always here to offer our help and support when needed. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch via our Year 3 Seesaw App.


Best wishes,

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Curriculum Overviews